Pathological changes in large blood vassals (macro-angiptahy) are listed among the most common late complications of diabetes. This changes increase the risk of cardio-vascular disease development, which occurs in diabetic patients a few times more frequently than in healthy persons.

Cardio-Diabetological Module in the MODEL CENTER in aimed at prophylactic activities in diabetic patients with no cardio-vascular disease diagnosed form one hand and at the monitoring of progression of the cardio-vascular diseases in patient with diagnosed cardio-vascular complications. The second of these two groups can be divided into subgroups: patients with diagnosed macro-angiopathy, patients that underwent coronary vessels revascularization interventions (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty – PTCA or Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting – CABG), patients with acute coronary syndrome, patients with symptomatic heart failure and patients with cardiac arrhythmias.

In both cases technical realization of the module is connected with home telemonitoring and / or telecare as well as ambulatory care at the CENTER.

Functional scheme of operation of the Cardio-Diabetological Module assumes monitoring of the risk factors such as: hyperglycemia, hypertension, smoking addiction, family history of arteriosclerosis, micro- and macro-albuminuria and autonomic neuropathy. In the identified high risk patients (when values of one or few risk factors have surpassed normal ranges) intensified telemonitoring of the selected parameters will be introduced with an automatic transmission of the measured values from patients’ homes to the CENTER.

The Cardio-Diabetological Module was developer in co-operation with ProPLUS company that has had a long experience in design, development and implementation of the telemonitoring solutions for patients with cardio-vascular complications.

W przypadku wystąpienia znacznego ryzyka rozwoju miażdżycy (wystąpienie / przekroczenie wartości progowych przez jeden bądź kilka czynników) pacjenci powinni być obejmowani programem ścisłej kontroli wybranych czynników ryzyka. Ścisła kontrola czynników ryzyka miażdżycy polega na monitorowaniu w domu pacjenta i automatycznej teletransmisji wyników.

Moduł Kardiologiczno-Diabetologiczny powstał we współpracy z firmą Pro-Plus, która posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w projektowaniu, opracowywaniu i wdrażaniu systemów telemonitorowania pacjentów ze schorzeniami układu sercowo-naczyniowego.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. ECG registration.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. ECG registration.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. Configuration of the tele-ECG device.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. Configuration of the tele-ECG device.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. Tele-EKG device manufactured by Pro-Plus company.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. Tele-EKG device manufactured by Pro-Plus company.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. UC-767PC blond pressure meter and UC-321P body weight scale (AND Medical, Japan) equipped with RS-232 serial communication port.

Cardio-Diabetological Module. UC-767PC blond pressure meter and UC-321P body weight scale (AND Medical, Japan) equipped with RS-232 serial communication port.