Among different types and groups of diabetic patients, pregnant diabetic women take a special place because the appropriate level of metabolic control during pregnancy decides not only about wellbeing of the patient herself but also about wellbeing and life of the unborn child.
In 90-ties of the 20th century a home telecare system called Tele-DiaPreT was developed in IBBE PAS that was designed for long-term support of the diabetes treatment in a group of pregnant diabetic patients. The system consisted of the central clinical control unit and a set of the registration and communication modules located in the patients’ homes. This system was positively verified during 3-years prospective randomized clinical trial, in which 30 type 1 diabetic pregnant women took part. An average duration of the monitoring period was close to 6 months.
A functional scheme of the Treatment of Diabetes During Pregnancy Module, that is based on Tele-DiaPreT system, covers metabolic control monitoring and home telecare during pregnancy planning, after conception during the whole pregnancy and after delivery in patients with diabetes existing before pregnancy (diabetes type 1) as well as the monitoring and home telecare in patients with gestational diabetes from the day of diagnosis.
This module will cover obstetric control (e.g. assessment of USG images of the fetus), diabetological control (including home telemonitoring and telecare of blood glucose and body weight) and, in case of hypertension, cardiologic care.
This module will cover obstetric control (e.g. assessment of USG images of the fetus), diabetological control (including home telemonitoring and telecare of blood glucose and body weight) and, in case of hypertension, cardiologic care.

Diabetes During Pregnancy Module. Obstetrics and gynecology interview.

Diabetes During Pregnancy Module. Course of pregnancy and delivery.

Diabetes During Pregnancy Module. Graphical presentation of the treatment results.