Central Module plays a key role in the whole structure of the MODEL CENTER. All the data related to medical interview (including results of an extended diabetological anamnesis) and results of laboratory tests are collected in this module. Tests verifying the patient’s state and her / his knowledge about diabetes are conducted in this module as well. Based on the results, the patient are directed to the specialized modules of the CENTER and / or to the Education Centre. Diabetological nurses play a crucial role in the Central Module functioning.

Central Module consists of 9 functional blocs that are related to: personal patient’s data, diagnosis of diabetes, complications of diabetes, information regarding the current treatment, results of the initial medical interview, tests verifying patient’s knowledge about the disease and the treatment, results of the laboratory tests, information about other medical problems concurrent to diabetes and the self-monitoring results describing patient’s state (including the level of metabolic control) and lifestyle as well as a course of the treatment.

Central Module, as well as the other stationary modules of the CENTER, was implemented in Visual C# in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 programming environment. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) technology was used that allows to create more visually appealing applications than older WindowsForms technology.

Central Module. Patients’ registry.

Central Module. Patients’ registry.

Central Module. Diagnosis of diabetes.

Central Module. Diagnosis of diabetes.

Central Module. Complications of diabetes.

Central Module. Complications of diabetes.

Central Module. Treatment of diabetes.

Central Module. Treatment of diabetes.

Central Module. Medical interview.

Central Module. Medical interview.

Central Module. Patient’s knowledge assessment.

Central Module. Patient’s knowledge assessment.

Central Module. Results of the laboratory tests.

Central Module. Results of the laboratory tests.

Central Module. Other heath problems / concurrent diseases.

Central Module. Other heath problems / concurrent diseases.

Central Module. Patient’s self-monitoring results.

Central Module. Patient’s self-monitoring results.